Thursday 12 May 2016

Stop Motion Videos at The Mind Lab

Mind Lab was an experience for a select few to get a taste of what stop motion was like. 20 Te Aramoana students went in the last week of term to The NZ Mind Lab in Petone for the experience. 
We learnt how to use webcams with a programme called Stop Motion Animator. It was really easy, but you had to think about how far you move your characters. One of ours kept on falling over. Estelle has a tip that you can use bluetak to stick them down. Here are some of our videos:

by Evy, Estelle, Mia and Faith

We were so excited about this, that the school has purchased some new webcams so we can create stop motions in class and for learning! Room 18 have been doing some experiments and having lots of fun with them. 

Post by Evy, Imogen and Mrs Whyte

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you exploring this use of technology. I'll look forward to seeing Rm 6 doing some of their own.
